Your guide to macrodosing.

A macrodose is pretty much what it sounds like; consuming a large dose of psychedelics. People macrodose or “trip” on magic mushrooms for many reasons; the more commonly known reason being that shroom trips can be a lot of fun. While we agree with this statement, the purpose of our macro capsules isn’t for a fun party-like trip. Not that they can’t be used for such events, but the intention that brought about the creation of our macrodose was to promote inner work; something a deep psychedelic trip can be a powerful tool for. Whether it’s facing your ego head-on, doing some serious soul searching, reevaluating what you thought you knew about life and the human existence or looking for guidance in your decisions; larger doses of psilocybin can aid in all of that and more. 

A macrodose brings along with it sensations and experiences that your microdose won’t. In larger quantities, psilocybin causes visual, auditory and other sensory experiences a person may never otherwise experience. 

One has to keep in mind that psilocybin is complex. Every person and every trip is different. You can consume the same dose of the same strain in the same setting and experience a completely different trip each time. We encourage anyone embarking along the path of psychedelics to maintain an open mind and we like to highlight the importance of surrendering to the journey.

Like anything, there are risks to any psychedelic substance, but in the case of psilocybin, they’re heavily outweighed by the benefits as long as you prepare properly. To ensure you have the tools to get the most out of your trip, we’ve put together a brief guide below on macrodosing and the experience of “tripping”. 


Find your dose

Exact dosage depends on many factors and will vary from person to person, day to day. Mushrooms also vary in potency depending on the strain. That being said, here are some suggested guidelines to follow, depending on the experience you’re after. If it’s your first time, here is your reminder that it is better to take too little than too much. You can always take more if you feel the need, but be sure to give the mushrooms enough time to kick in (1 to 2 hours) before attempting to increase your dose.

Microdose ~ 50 to 250mg

Doses in low amounts are considered microdoses. At this level they are sub-perceptual and have a very subtle influence. These doses are so low that they are safe for use at any time (at work, if you’re a parent, etc.) There will be no hallucinations. Microdoses are known and used for their positive impact on areas like your mood, focus, energy and memory.

Social ~ 250mg to 500mg

A dose of this size should have you experiencing those warm n’ fuzzy feelings. Keeping things light and giddy, this is an easy dose to give you some subtle feels, without committing to that full trip experience. You can expect to feel “different” and for your visuals to become slightly enhanced. This dose is very approachable.

Light ~ 500mg to 1g

This should deliver a similar body high to the social dose; enough that one should feel a “glow” but low enough that you remain present in your body. We recommend experimenting with doses of this size in private before you attempt social situations as some people “feel it” more than others. 

Common ~ 1g to 2g

Here we get into the “trips” most people are used to hearing about. A dose of this amount should offer not only an enjoyable body high but also visual anomalies (think objects '“breathing” and “swaying” and fractal patterns), deep thinking and other sensory enhancements. 

Moderate ~ 2g to 3.5g

Doses larger than 2g can be expected to bring along visual and auditory hallucinations, strong interactive thought patterns, perspective changes etc. People often report feeling a strong sense of connection to everything or the experience of oneness.

Deep ~ 3.5g to 5g

We strongly recommend exploring larger doses under supervision and in a safe space.

This is entering serious dose territory and should be approached with deep intention and preparation for transcendental thoughts along with out of body experiences. You should expect fractals and sacred hallucinations, synesthesia (blending of the senses), time and space distortion, ego dissolution etc. You might also receive new, unfamiliar patterns of thought. Studies have shown that doses of this size are reliable to induce mystical-type experiences, so be prepared for the ride. 

Heroic ~ 5g+

We strongly recommend exploring larger doses under supervision and in a safe space.

Doses beyond 5g are commonly described as “heroic doses.” You should expect complete ego dissolution, intense visual and auditory hallucinations, out of body experiences, primordial information downloads and mystical experiences. We DO NOT recommend exploring this high of a dose to anyone who is not experienced with using psychedelics. 

Note: consuming magic mushrooms on a full stomach will diminish its effects. 

Set and Setting

Set and setting are broad terms used in the community in reference to the circumstances in which you take mushrooms; set being your internal state, setting being your physical surroundings. 

Psilocybin can and will amplify your emotions and your sensory experiences. Sound, touch, sight…all of these can be altered so it’s important to prepare and be intentional when choosing your surroundings pre-trip.


Prior to tripping, its important to be aware of your mental state; this includes your current mood that day and your overall mood towards life. These emotions can be enhanced significantly when exploring higher doses of psychedelics. We don’t mean to intimidate you, we simply want to ensure that you are aware of your own state and understand the ‌thoughts that may present themselves during your trip based on your current mental space. We recommend approaching all thoughts and feelings, both in and outside of trips, with curiosity. Even the uncomfortable feelings can be navigated ‌successfully when approached with an open and curious mind, and they often result in beautiful emotional releases.  

If you choose to set an intention for your trip, ask yourself some questions around this intention to enable an integrative experience both pre, during, and post trip. For example, what do you hope to learn? Is there something you’re looking to let go of? With the altered states you’re about to experience and the often powerful insights they provide, setting intentions can lead to some profound learning and/or healing experiences. Under our micro-dosing tab, we have a larger list of reflective questions that can be used for both micro and macro dosing, pre and post trip. Take a peek if you’re looking for some guidance in this area!

Do note that even with intention setting, it is crucial to keep an open mind. Occasionally the mushrooms will bring you elsewhere; show you something different than your original intention. Be present and surrender to the process…it all happens as it is meant to. 


We recommend for our newbies to consume psychedelics somewhere you know well and are comfortable, like your home or a close friends home. Keep the space warm and inviting. Don’t choose the darkest room in your house or a very confined or busy/crowded space. If you emjoy smells, consider burning incense or your favorite candle. Wear comfortable clothing, keep some blankets and/or pillows nearby in case you want to settle down and get cozy, and think ahead in regard to what sort of activities ‌you may want to do throughout your trip. This could include listening to music, creating art, journaling, yoga, cloud watching, going for a walk…whatever you think you might want to explore while tripping, we recommend doing your best to prepare prior to maintain an uninterrupted flow state throughout your trip. 

Regardless of the intention to journal or not, we ‌recommend you keep a journal nearby just to scribble down any impressions, experiences, thoughts, or insights that may come to you suddenly. The experience of tripping can bring many thoughts one might otherwise never explore and we don’t want you to lose these profound insights or miss out on the opportunity to reflect on them later. 

Psilocybin doesn’t trigger the munchies as marijuana does, but it’s a good idea to have some snacks pulled out just in case you do experience hunger or your trip runs on the longer side. We like to have lighter things like berries, veggies and nuts along with water set out…but this is personal preference and you can snack on whatever your body is asking for. Just remember to eat, time distortion may be experienced and on longer trips you need to remember to fuel your body!

Doing mushrooms outside in a peaceful setting can be especially enjoyable. Just remember to choose an area you know well, let someone know where you’ll be ahead of time and when you expect to return, and leave enough time to be somewhere safe by dark. 

If you’re tripping with friends, ensure everyone is like-minded, non-judgemental, and comfortable with each other. Discuss ahead of time what everyone is comfortable with and address any concerns and/or questions. If it’s your first time, it can help to do them with someone who has previous experience.


Often people report that during a psychedelic trip they receive insights and new/different information. Sometimes this information makes sense immediately, other times it may take both time and reflection before the message is understood. Regardless, the practice of integration is important in each and every scenario and we cannot stress its importance enough. Integration is where the internal shifts happen, where the new beliefs take root and healing blossoms. It enables growth on so many levels, and we recognize that this may be uncomfortable at times…but we have all come to understand in our own way that this discomfort leads to beautiful change. Some of the best things this existence has to offer us lay outside our comfort zone. 

Everyone has their own integration practice based on personal preferences. These practices enable us to explore the lessons that were presented during our trip and create space for us to feel in whatever way we need to. Experiment with different integration practices; mix and match and combine what feels best for you. Tripping is a personal journey…no one can tell you how to do it perfectly because there is no one size fits all. Each journey is unique to the traveller, so stay open and curious along your way. Remember to ask yourself “why” and be present with yourself. Feel for any tensions or triggers, observe the energy in your space and try explore what your experiences might be trying to tell you. 

For some guidance, here are a few exercises you may choose to explore during your integration process; 

  • Journal; about your experiences, thoughts, insights, feelings, sensations…anything and everything. Ask yourself why these things came up and what they could mean. Avoid judging your thoughts and release the need to control the message trying to come through 

  • Write a letter to your younger self or someone else sharing your thoughts and experiences. You can send it…or don't. It’s up to you

  • Meditate. Create space for your thoughts to flow without judgement or attachment and observe as you do so

  • Do some breathwork. Deep breathing can deepen your insights and is an excellent way to move energy throughout your body and energy field

  • Go for a quiet walk or hike in nature

  • Take a shower or bath 

  • Visit a sensory deprivation/float tank. Use this space to further explore any insights and/or visions that continue to come to you  

  • Immerse yourself in a sound bath 

  • Create time and space for self care, however you practice this 

And most importantly, practice patience. Sometimes the pieces fall into place later than you may have originally expected. Maintaining an open and receptive mind is key. 

Challenging trips 

We’ve all been there; navigating those challenging trips that didn’t turn out how we expected. The key is to remember to stay open and to approach your thoughts with curiosity (noticing a pattern here? These two concepts are incredibly important in the world of psychedelics, or the world in general honestly). 

There is no such thing as a ‘bad’ trip. They may not be the most comfortable or enjoyable, but they aren’t bad… certainly not like how the movies ‌make them seem. 

But, regardless, to help set yourself up for ‘success’ it is important to plan your set and setting. Surrounding yourself in a space that is comfortable and safe to you reduces the chance of a challenging experience, hence why we emphasize it so much. Remember that any thoughts or experiences that arise during a psychedelic trip are there to tell you something. Majority of people who have experienced a challenging trip report ‌the ‌result was incredibly positive and led to intense healing upon reflection. We encourage you to maintain this perspective before embarking on any trip.

By keeping all this in mind when challenging emotions ‌come up, you can use various integration techniques to see and understand the message being shown to you. By integrating your experiences, you create space to move forward through those tough emotions into a place of healing. Remember to surrender and lean into the present moment and approach all thoughts/feelings with curiosity…leave judgement at the door. 

Trip FAQs

How long is a trip?

Generally speaking, a trip lasts 4-6 hours. But we highly recommend setting aside an entire day for it, as a trip can last up to 10 hours. This depends on your dosage and other unique to you factors, but generically speaking most trips fall within that timeline. Setting aside the day for you allows the time and space needed for any length of trip and all the experiences that come after the effects have worn off. You may be left feeling content but drained and in need of rest. Leave yourself plenty of time to enjoy the entire cycle: the come up, the trip, the come down, the afterglow.  

Can I trip while already on a microdosing protocol?

 Of course! There is no reason for this to be any sort of issue. 

Can I mix alcohol and mushrooms?

We do not recommend or encourage this at all.

How long do the mushrooms take to kick in?

You should be feeling the effects within 1-2 hours of consumption.